Sunday, 24 August 2008

My first post!

It's good to be home. I've been traveling for a glorious, life changing year with my wondeful husband, Ben, but now I'm back, I'm inspired, and I'm motivated!

I'm hoping to use this blog as an outlet for my more creative side, which I'm usually too lazy to do anything with.

I'm going to attend a pottery class, so I can make stuff like this crazy mouse ceramic I saw in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico:

I'm also going to do something with these iron on motifs I picked up in Bangkok:

I'll be using these pretty little iron-on D's I bought fom a Y100 store in Tokyo to jazz something up:

And I can't wait to work out how to cross stitch these beautiful little birds from these patterns I found in Chiang Mai, Thailand:

Love them!


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